We provide corporates a positive social value in addition to their brand value with creativeness and practical ideas, and help SMEs to effectively make meaningful connections for a widened and deepened social impact branding.

Strategic Planning and Campaign Focused Management

Organic positioning, content marketing, social media, and paid marketing.

Event Planning and Management

Besides the standard marketing and CSR event ideas, you may collaborate with our extensive network of community partners for an exclusive social impact project.

Branding and Design

We help businesses define themselves in a crowded world.

Media Planning and Management

We plan for your advertising budget and allocate it to the mediums and channels that provide the best results. Including Traditional Advertising and Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns.

Content Marketing

We value strategy over tactics. Before we dive into the WHAT and the WHERE, we need to define goals, expectations and the WHO we are talking to. By developing your content marketing strategy, creating contents, promotion, optimizing and reporting to make sure the content help driving your organizational goals.

Video Production

One-stop service from planning, storyboard, shooting, production to post-production. We take care of your needs.

WHY Collective Power

Strategic Planning and Campaign Focused Thinking –  We look for building a long-term relationship with brands and therefore we contribute more resources to coming up with unique ideas and strategies that align with your business goals. This includes cooking up creative campaigns and messaging to help a company accomplish its marketing goals. We offer:

Media Planning and Management

We plan for your advertising budget and allocate it to the mediums and channels that provide the best results. Including Traditional Advertising and Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns.

Traditional Advertising: Print advertising can still be effective when the right message is paired with the right channel. We can help identify traditional platforms that still provide value. This isn’t just limited to “print” advertising either, and can include both radio and television

Paid Digital Marketing Campaigns: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns have become standard operating procedure for many brands. Not only do they allow companies to immediately position specific searches on Google, but also allow very targeted advertising on various social media platforms. Upon creating a media plan, we will help a company craft targeted messaging and navigate the various channels to find the best return on investment.

Content Marketing

We believe every brand has a story. 

We want to work with you to discover that story, and then share it with the world. 

We value strategy over tactics. Before we dive into the WHAT and the WHERE, we need to define goals, expectations and the WHO we are talking to.By developing your content marketing strategy, creating contents, promotion, optimizing and reporting to make sure the content help driving your organizational goals.

Content Marketing

Branding and Design

We help businesses define themselves in a crowded world.

Video Production

One-stop service from planning, storyboard, shooting, production to post-production. We take care of your needs.

Event Planning and Management

Besides the standard marketing and CSR event ideas, you may collaborate with our extensive network of community partners for an exclusive social impact project.


We provide corporates a positive social value in addition to their brand value with creativeness and practical ideas, and help SMEs to effectively make meaningful connections for a widened and deepened social impact branding.

For Corporate

Acquire new, loyal customers by turning brand value into positive social value.

Branding &

Identify the social value in your brand’s DNA. 



Collaborate with our community partners and amplify the social impact in a common language.

Video production & Promotion

Engage with your audience, people respond with Good Deed!


4 CSR Events to Give Back

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) events are an impactful and innovative way for companies to establish a reputation as socially responsible companies. Not to mention it’s an easy way to attract, retain and engage top employees. A report by Project ROI indicates that a year-round CSR program can reduce a company’s staff turnover rate by up to 50 percent while increasing employee engagement by up to 7.5 percent. Working at an organization where employees view their CSR efforts as positive, has a significant and favorable impact on how they rate their pride in the organization, their overall satisfaction, their willingness to recommend it as a place to work and their intention to stay. These four ideas will get your CSR events to translate into a social impact event!

Corporate’s Day of Service – Partner with a charity and create the volunteer experience. We can handle making your teams’ participation as smooth and memorable as possible. Create detailed pre-event information packets, coordinate seamless transportation, and a post-event experience.

Team Building Event – Instead of arranging a happy hour or hiring a consultant for a management workshop. Why not use the budget and time to work on a volunteer project as a team? Not only will you build the bond between those on the team, but your event will also have a direct, positive impact on the community. A best practice is to follow a “Service Learning” method to strategically use the day for team strengthening.

Company Offsite Meeting – During a company retreat or sales meeting, dedicate time for an employee service project. Impactful volunteer events can be planned for just half a day and still accomplish the goal of impacting the organization. You can even run corporate social responsibility events without leaving the hotel! A build-a-bike event is a great example of what can be accomplished.

Allocated Staff Hours – Encourage staff to volunteer together at charities they would enjoy working with. To fulfill the company’s vision of corporate social responsibility events that are both inspirational and easy to put on. We facilitate with sign-ups and finding volunteer opportunities. Ensure this is still a corporate social responsibility event that builds relationships within your organization.

For NGO & SE

Branding & Design

Identify your needs and advise useful projects ideas.

Event Planning & Management

Explore and connect collaboration throughout our extensive networks in different sectors.

VIdeo Production & Promotion

Engage with your audience, people respond with Good Deed!

30-Minute One-to-One Advisory Service

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